Sunday, September 03, 2006

I want you

Rolling out another oldie here...

From mid 1997, its Darth Vaders recruiting poster. Saw a guy wearing this at the cricket at the basin reserve (us vs Zimbabwe I think), and being an star wars fan, had to have one. I got it at Ground Zero as it was, in the James Smith's market. This was at the height of the hype surrounding the re release of the special editions of the original trilogy. At that time Ground zero had a fairly complete collection of all the original kenner Star Wars toys on display which was cool.
The text reminds me of Private Jokers interview in 'Full Metal Jacket' ("meet interesting people and kill them"). I don't have too many memories specific to this T. It was my netball T for a while. It has seen a lot of court time. For some reason I was ultra conservative in my 90's T shirt purchasing, so the thing is an XL, and doesn't get out much these days, unless I'm wearing something else under it.

1 comment:

Not Kate said...

Don't you have another Darth Vader tshirt?

There's a teacher at our school... and we were doing the old 'Gee, I hate my middle name' conversation (I was not taking part - I like my middle name)...

Anyhow, she won. Her father gave her the middle name of 'Vada' (as in the feminine version of 'Vader').... hilaaarious. She doesn't think so though.

Her first name is Beatrice too... (she's the drama teacher who was running the quiz).