This Saturday
Is the 25th of August. Which is my birthday. Hence, it will be an ideal time to drop by to my place and say hello. In accordance with this, we will make sure we are at home. If you bring appropriate Kai, we may even get the barbecue going. Anytime from say 2:30-3:00 ish. It's not a party as such, just an excuse for you to drop in, say hi and spend as much time as you feel like. Also a great opportunity to meet our houseguest, plus any fellow travellers she has attracted.
Hopefully that cleared up any doubts about the date.
Why bad Umpiring annoys me
Inconsistent or indifferent umpiring hacks me off because I, and the teams I play in are generally wholesome clean living folk, who make an effort to play within the rules (I have never played in a dirty team, or one that encouraged dirty play. I have played against many though.). Which means that if my opponent breaks those rules either through intention or incompetence and gets away with it, they are gaining an unfair advantage.
Thus frustration occurs.That said, Sweep The Leg overcame such umpiring tonight to win by one point in a great come from behind victory, in which all team members had a useful hand. It's nice to get both a moral and an actual victory at the same time. Tonights was a very satisfying win.
Not Blogging, modelling
Haven't been blogging much lately because I have been diligently hacking away and painting at this assembled lump of plastic, a Fujimi 1:72 scale TA-4J Mcdonnell Douglas Skyhawk, converted by moi to a TA-4K (the letters at the end make all the difference):
I know this is may be boring and you may not care. But its my blog. So there.

Heres what the real thing looked like in more sensible clothing:
So when a nice company made decals for it a little while ago, and I got my hands on the right kind of kit, and the extra bits needed to make it look proper, and the decals themselves, I had to give it a go. Despite the looks, single colour paint schemes (the gold base) are actually a little harder to do than more conventional schemes.
Before you all rush to comment along the lines of "Hey that looks cool" (right after thinking "Geek!" ) being a self deprecating perfectionist Virgo, I have to point some of the faults. All models have these, usually only known to the person who built them:
It's not finished yet. It needs seats, fuel tanks for under the wings, a refuelling probe (not attached yet as it is way too fragile, a canopy. All the bits are ready, deciding which order to put them on vs likelyhood of breaking them off again however takes some time.
There was something else I was going to blog about, but I have forgotten what.
No doubt I'll remember after hitting 'Publish Post'
Maybe it was the migraine I had on Saturday that continued messing my head around on Sunday, and again today.
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