Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Answer me this!

Listening to: Powder Burn-The Twilight Singers
Drinking: Oranjeboom! Anything with 'boom' in the name needs an exclamation mark I think.

So while doing some random blogroll reading at the H-perm system, I came across the special-K questionator. Not being one to shirk from a complete strangers (although this is Wellington. We likely know someone in common or have been to the same party at some time) offer of personal questions, I took the bait. And here we are.

1. Have you ever forgotten to put underpants on? What happened?
Never, although I once forgot to take them off before putting togs on when I was seven. That seems to be fashionable (even if it is gross) amongst young males these days anyhow, so I am not sure that is of any consequence. A cousin of mine once forgot to put her underwear on before school. It's a family legend.

2.Whats the best thing about you?
This was hard. If you ask my wife she'd probably say my butt, but from my perspective it is difficult to answer. The best thing about me I think is all the cool people I have managed to incorporate into my life without alienating them at some point or another.
I am modest, I don't like to talk myself up.

3.Have you ever done something you're not proud of? What was it and why did you do it?
Anyone who answers no to this is either incredibly virtuous or a liar. I have done many things I am not proud of, mostly when I was a child. I think the worst was not taking seventh form seriously enough and failing half my subjects, which was a huge let down for my parents. I made my mum cry. In typical teenage fashion, I thought I knew it all, didn't have to do coursework or study, and could cram enough to pass. This habit persisted for a couple of years into my tertiary education as well. I was a dumbass.

4.Whats the biggest let down you've ever had?
Getting all set to leave for a big overseas trip when I was 13, the first time I would be travelling overseas, and finding out at the airport check-in counter that there had been a miscommunication, and we didn't have the right visas, and would not in fact be flying to Los Angeles today. We sorted it out and left the next day, but initially it was a huge disappointment.

5.Have you ever had a "penny drop" moment? What happened?
Many many. I'll relate one from almost a decade ago. Got to a party when I was a student and was told by a third party that a girl who I'd been friends with, fallen out with, thought I'd reconciled with, had been telling all our mutual friends different things than what she had been telling me, and they weren't terribly useful or complimentary or actually true things. It's a long story, not terribly complimentary to anyone involved, including me. Haven't spoken to her since. 1998 was a difficult year.

There. I love how this blogging thing works. I am still considering the offered topics. Some of them require research before coherent consideration. Be patient....


Morgan Davie said...

now you must offer to ask five questions of others in order to carry on the meme!

Off-Black said...

Ah, I see.