Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rant o rama

Listening to: 'Higher ++ '-HDU
I don't mind that people smoke at work, what annoys me is that the only designated smoking area on site (thus the only place they are allowed to smoke) is right in front of the cafeteria doors. The doors are under a verandah, and I hold my breath from the time I approach the verandah until I get safely through the doors (about five paces), so as not to inhale the clouds of filth that the smokers produce. I don't care if they mess up their own lungs, I object to my lungs being messed up due to them exercising their 'rights'.
Still, me and my non-smoking co-workers get to sit inside on cold wet days and point and laugh at the smokers outside.
I don't care if you smoke. Just don't make it compulsory by smoking in my presence.

So the traffic guy and the morning guy on Active were raving about this great documentary "Loose Change" this morning.


My moan about LC is that it was made by people demonstrably ignorant of the subjects they were discussing, who made no apparent effort to address their ignorance, and it is being lapped up by people who, through no fault of their own, don't know any better. Not trying to insult anyone here, but that is my opinion. The problem with conspiracy theories is that they can't be disproved. They don't suffer from the burden of proof. Any disproof offered is likely to be just 'part of the conspiracy'.

I have to go back to work in a hour. Yes, at this hour. I have an interesting job sometimes.

Fishy is in Blenheim for the night, catching up with her sister, brother-in-law, and niece. I'm alone again.


fish said...

I'm sorry baby. You know I'll make it up to you... :)

Not Kate said...

I'm with you. Smoking is dumb and I resent it being pushed onto me.

I got home the other night, and when I opened the FRONT door (after being away for three days) I caught a whiff of smoke. If I wasn't already on the rampage of throwing a flatmate out I woulda had a rant about it. It was only subtle... but my nose never lies.

And that's AFTER I'd had to have a go at a flatmate for smoking in their room AGAIN (he full well knows it's against the lease) and I could smell it from my end of the hallway as soon as I opened my bedroom door.


Our whole workplace is smoke free, thank goodness. Poor old Ken and Mike have to go smoke behind the dairy down the road - and the girls ALL know they do it and laugh at them.

Homeperm said...

did you read that thing on stuff about the smokers airline.,2106,3729503a4560,00.html

2treesandahorse said...

Comming from a family where my parents smoked 20 a day each, for 40 years I support anyone who wants to have a go at smokers.

But then I have tried it. Yes I know I am an idiot.

You would think then that as a child with no rights to clean air in the house I lived in, I would know better. My parents were quite militant about it. It was their right to smoke in thier house.

So i vowed if they didnt give up I would never let them baby sit their grandkids. If i ever had any.

They finally gave up four years ago. Two months later my mother had a heart attack.