Sunday, March 04, 2012

Not just me

Turns out it wasn't just my opinion: the summer really did officially suck. Even NIWA thinks so:

A Summer in name only

21% less sunshine hours than average and no hot days. Seems about right. Out here in the Hutt we are usually 1 or 2 degrees warmer than Wellington, but there were still few 'wow it's summer' days.

On a slightly more whimsical note, I noticed this in Wellington yesterday mid-weather bomb:
It could be worse.

Our place is on a north-facing slope, so we in our spending most of the day at home we missed the worst the storm could deliver locally. Driving into the city in the early evening though was an interesting experience, with rain so heavy we had to slow to close to half the speed limit, not because of flooding, but because we just couldn't see the road ahead. Wind by that time had dropped to about average for a southerly storm around here.

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