Thursday, September 04, 2008


So tonight in TV3's neverending parade of Simpsons re-runs, they played the one where they go to New York to get Homer's car ('The city of New York vs Homer Simspon', Ep1 season 9 1997 I have discovered).

Now I have seen the second half of this episode several times, but never the beginning, so it was interesting to see how the car got to the World Trade centre in the first place.

The spooky thing is the magazine featuring the $9 bus fare that inspires the family to go NY to get the car back. The magazine has a huge 9 on its cover, superimposed over the New York skyline. Just to the right of the 9 are the silhouettes of the twin towers, doing a pretty reasonable impression of the number 11.

At first glance the cover reads 9/11.....

Have the truthers picked up on this yet?

There was a conspiracy! And The Simpsons were in on it! Which means Fox was in on it!

Whatever. I posted my views on the supposed conspiracy a while back, and haven't seen anything in the interim to change my opinion.

It just makes what is now a somewhat poignant episode a little more memorable.


In other news I was deliberately and calculatedly rude and insulting to someone on Tuesday night, but since she was the able bodied driver of a car with two able bodied passengers who parked in a disabled park at netball, and a silly spoiled looking teenager at that, and I had the chance since I happened to play against her, I felt it was deserved.


Not Kate said...

Good on you, Sam! Righteous anger is great.

Hope you survive baby shower 1 today (though, it's a work on so your house won't be invaded). Hope you get some cool loot from the Upper Hutters.

Molly said...

Glad to hear you standing up to those Cheaters!! 'Good on ya Sam!'