Friday, December 23, 2011

Nativity Subjects

Charlotte re-arranged the nativity scene so everyone could watch The Lion King* with her.
By the looks of it just in time for them to be subjected to Simba's deranged REIGN OF TERROR...
*We are in a "Lion King" phase, after a long "Bambi" phase. I thought Bambi was bad, but this is worse. The "Finding Nemo" phase on the other hand wasn't so bad. That movie I actually enjoy :)


Maureen said...

What? You don't like The Lion King? The nativity subjects appear to be fascinated...

Off-Black said...

I did like it once :) I accidentally saw it on a date back when it first came out (we were intending to go to Schindler's List, but missed out on tickets), and had a soft spot for it on that basis, but near daily exposure over the last few weeks has taken the shine off a bit :).