Tuesday, November 22, 2011

At least it isn't "Wellywood"

(image sourced from Stuff.co.nz)
So the people have spoken (sort of, since "No Sign" wasn't an option in the public vote), and "Blown away" will soon be adorning the hill at the northern end of the airport. The crowd isn't exactly going wild.

It isn't the option I voted for, and I don't really like it. It plays to and reinforces an outsider's and negative stereotype of the city (tellingly it was designed by people based in Auckland), and just seems a bit meh. It does tie in to the nearby collection of kinetic sculptures, and isn't the godawful cringe that "Wellywood" would have been, but that is about all the good things I can say about it. Uninspiring.

The second alternative option "Eye of the Taniwha", I thought was much better, not only being more creative and actually designed by a Wellingtonian, but also specific to its exact location.
(image sourced from Stuff.co.nz)
In explaining it you could have told a great story, how Ngake the Taniwha escaped to the sea, while poor Whataitai got stuck (link). I would have loved relating that to visitors.

With "Blown Away" pretty much all you get to say is "Yeah, it gets a bit windy sometimes".

Who knows, it might grow on me and be affectionately regarded one day.

Meanwhile, in another part of town, the Ian Curtis graffiti I've blogged about here and there is doing a good cheshire cat impersonation (link).

1 comment:

missrabbitty said...

i really liked the eye of the taniwha. however. we are the only capital city in the world in the roaring 40s. we should be proud of that and the wind that honour carries with it.