Thursday, October 06, 2011

The Sophie Show

It occurred to me the other day that we were getting close to falling into the classic parental trap of not documenting our second child nearly as much as the first. So given I haven't said much at all about Sophie so far on this blog, here is a post just for her.

We were at a friends place the other morning and the sun was prisming in the window glass just so :)
On a blanket made for her by her Auntie, which immediately made it look like she was hosting her own talkshow. I'm not sure what five month olds would necessarily talk about, but that's probably over-extending the idea...
At five months she is now old enough to grasp and hold her own bottle (sometimes at least, when she isn't too distracted by pretty much anything).
And practice for being the really annoying little sister who is always messing up her big sister's stuff. She can't quite reach out and grab those trains yet, but you know she is thinking about it:

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Oh, that look in her eyes is definitely trouble. She wants those trains. Haha. She is adorable though!