The fireworks last night were a blast.
Geddit? As Basil Brush would say, BOOM BOOM!
Pun coincidental, but not unintended.
I think fireworks are a great way to celebrate midwinter, even if the actual solstice was a month ago.
Happy snaps of the Petone fireworks last night, having a good play with aperture and shutter settings, and cropping.
Still don't know what I am doing, but learning more all the time....
I hope so. Watch this space.
i love that last photo. also hurrah for new job, and its associated window!
Dude I know I have said this before but your photo rock. actually masterful will be the word I use. Love the welly one's, may nick them for my computer to remind me of home.
nice shots. Its not easy to take good photos of fireworks; I've tried. Good to see.
You're a goof.
2 cymbals and a snare drum fell off a cliff. BA DOOM CHING!!!!!
Ok, couldn't resist.
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