Saturday, January 05, 2008

Chinooks New Year experience

Listening to: The Stone Roses-The Stone Roses. The eponymous first album. Look it up if you don't know what that means.

To the previous post, to clear up any confusion caused by my last 'Listening to' selection, the wikipedia entry for Robbie Robertson's album (link). Hope that clears that up.

Anyway, onto Chinook.

He was gifted to us by Lauren, and I can't remember if he is a Wolf or a Husky, but definitely canine, and certainly Canadian.

Having travelled so far to get here, I thought a trip to the beach for New Years (Hokio Beach, west of Levin in the lower North Island to be precise) was warranted so that he might see some of his new homeland.

Like all dogs, he likes to see where the car is going. It's his favourite, along with about a thousand other things
On arrival, he did some touristing, and posed with the bewildering array of local signage (click pic to enlarge......)
However, like most of the other guests, he soon settled down with a book from the extensive bach library and some munchies to while away the afternoon before the party got started.
He tried his paws on the decks, but found not having opposable thumbs held him back a little, so handed the reins back to D3v0 and Malc.
Being from a place where winters get properly cold, he soon found a spot he was comfortable with.
Unfortunately however with not unpredictable results the next morning
To refresh for the drive home, some chillaxing on the beach in the morning sun was called for.
Happy New year peeps
More pics in the next few days........


kiwilauren said...

Hahaha that is so awesome Sam! I giggled to myself every time I scrolled down for another picture. Poor Chinook... hung over.... those Canadians don't know how to hold their alcohol!

R said...

Cool! This is awesome. Liking the photo essays. Never saw Chinook at the party though. Must have already been in the chillibin...