Sunday, November 26, 2006

No mo

Listening to the Uchoose. Covers and samples this week. To my surprise, Scissor Sisters version of 'Comfortably numb' not only works, but is actually quite good. As is the video for Bowie's 'China Girl', which looks far younger than it's 23 years. 'I will always love you', unsurprisingly, is still godawful.

The mo, having served its purpose, had to go. After exactly three weeks on the grow, here is what it looked like moments before removal:

Fun while it lasted, but I was over it. Anyway, I was getting ready to dress like this

on Saturday, and the moustache didn't really jive with the look I was going for.

The wedding we were at in Napier on Saturday was great, as every wedding I have been to has been. I love weddings. Call me sentimental, but I get a thrill out of seeing two people commit to spending the rest of their lives together. I love the whole thing, the gathering, the ceremony, the mingling, the speeches, the dancing, everything. I love watching the first dance, and watching the older couples take to the floor to dance properly and show how it should be done. Weddings are fun.

If you are already married, hearing two more people declare themselves reminds you of exactly why you are with the one you are with:

And there are few better ways of spending an hour or two on a fine afternoon than this:

(post wedding, pre dinner time killing, aided by bottomless glasses of various cold beverages)

Well makes up for having to sell my U2 tickets in order to be there.

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