Posting on a Friday the 13th because it kind of matched the decor and looked cool on the dateline used to be a regular thing for. Actually, posting anything used to be a regular thing. I haven't posted on this thing in nearly a year, but before that the tempo was noticeably slower.
Back in 2012 a personal "event" for lack of a better term threw my blogging out of whack, and it kind of struggled to get back in line. I'd have ideas, but commiting them to ink/pixel just never seemed to happen and eventually I just ran out of mojo, and fell out of the habit. Not by choice, it just kind of happened.
Now the option seems to be to park it up, or put it back on the road. The blogging scene around me now is much different from when I started this thing in 2006. I've got a couple of ideas for where this blog might go from here - maybe a new lick of paint, a little bit more of the same, maybe a bit more focus, stealing an idea or two from here or there. But I'm not calling it quits just yet.