Friday, September 03, 2010

Black and Whites

Listening to: Nebraska - Bruce Springsteen (1982). The mostly acoustic album of demo tracks that was so good it was released as is (despite a full noise, full production version being recorded according to Wiki). Springsteen recorded the whole thing himself on a 4 track setup at his house. 'Atlantic City' is on this, and its one of my all time favourite songs, as well as being a good representative for the album itself (hint: it isn't a 'happy' album. There's no 'Born to Run' equivalent on it).

I was idly trawling through the archives looking for some post inspiration and cames across these shots from April 2009. I headed out to the airport in the morning to catch an exotic visitor (the Corsair in the last three frames). I'd been messing about with black and white shooting, and made the classic mistake of not returning the camera settings to normal when I was done. The morning sun on the display screen meant I didn't notice the shots were not in the colour I thought they were.

I haven't done much black and white, and thought intially that they would have been great if only they were in colour. I never got around to deleting them though, and now I kinda like them. There was a nice moody sky for a background that morning, and the sun lighting up the planes made for a nice contrast.

I had another go without colour the other weekend, and I've made a mental note now to try it more often for its own sake, just to see what I can come up with.

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